目的 了解四川省恶性肿瘤的死亡情况及对人群寿命的影响 方法 利用死亡率的变化趋势及标化死亡率的比较 ,以及肿瘤潜在寿命损失年数分析方法对四川省 1990 -1991年疾病监测点恶性肿瘤死亡资料进行分析。结果 恶性肿瘤平均标化死亡率为 83 19/10万 ,占全死因死亡的 14 3 8% ,居全死因死亡的第 3位 ;男女恶性肿瘤死亡率之比为 1 91∶1,城市高于农村 ,城市与农村恶性肿瘤死亡率之比为 2 2 7∶1,且差异均具有显著性。城市的前 3位死因是肺癌、肝癌与食管癌 ,农村前 3位死因是胃癌、食管癌和肝癌 ,10年中因肿瘤而损失的寿命为 49876 0 0人年 ,平均潜在寿命损失年数 (YPLL)为 7 49,标化潜在寿命损失年数 (AYPLL)为 8 64。结论 四川省 10年中肿瘤标化死亡率城市高于农村 ,男性高于女性 ,提示肿瘤的发病、死亡可能与环境污染、卫生条件及不良生活习惯有关 ;肿瘤对人群的健康与寿命有较大的影响 。
Objective To analyze the mortality rate of malignant cancers and its influence factors in Sichuan province.Methods Malignant cancer data of disease surveillance spots in Sichuan province from 1990-1999 were analyzed in this article.Results The average standardized mortality rate of malignant cancer was 83 19 per 100,000, which was the third cause in all causes mortality with the proportion of 14 38%. The life lost caused by cancer was 49 876 00 person year during the past ten years and YPLL was 7 49, adjusted YPLL (AYPLL) was 8 64. The ratio of cancer mortality rate between male and female, city and countryside was 1 91∶1 and 2 27∶1 respectively. There existed significant difference of cancer mortality rate between sex and between city and countryside. The leading three causes of death in city were lung cancer, Hepatocarcinoma, and esophagus cancer respectively while in countryside they were Gastrocarcinoma, esophagus cancer, and Hepatocarcinoma respectively. Conclusions The incidence and death of cancer were related with environment pollution, hygiene status and unhealthy life habits of people.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information