研究了混沌系统在二相编码雷达引信中的应用 ,从雷达信号波形设计的角度 ,研究和对比分析了四种典型混沌系统产生的二相伪随机码的各种性质。实验结果表明 ,基于这几种混沌模型的二相编码都具有良好的平衡性、随机性、游程特性和模糊性 ,而这其中又以Logistic编码为最佳。根据对Logistic模型编码信号进行的模糊分析 ,认为基于该模型的二相伪随机编码在雷达引信波形方面具有很大的应用潜力。
In this paper the application of chaotic systems in Binary Phase code Radar fuse is discussed. At first, the ambiguity of the sequence produced of four classical chaotic systems are studied and analyzed. The results of experiments indicate that the Binary Phase code systems based on chaotics have good characters of balance, random, distributing and ambiguity. At last, the paper comes to a result that the pseudorandom sequences based on the model has a good application foreground in radar fuse.
Aerospace Shanghai