Objective:To analyze and evaluate the advantages and shortages of the revised1997non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)staging system for our Chinese oncologists referring in their clinic practice.Methods:Based on our own clinical experiences,the revised1987and the related references were reviewed.Results:The1997non-small cell lung cancer TNM staging system although has added a very little to the disease staging,many changes have been totally different from that published in1987.There are continuing controversies in the staging system.Conclusion:Before the next revision of staging system,a worldwide effort to collect accurate databases and analyze a variety of T,N.and M prognostic factors as well as the newer biologic factors is required to define more accurately the clinical and pathologic stages of lung cancer ac-cording to prognosis.This approach would allow a more rational consideration of changes in TNM staging.As well,a single universally accepted lymph node map is needed desperately to unify the staging concepts worldwide.Being higher incidence and population of the lung cancer in Chi na,the Chinese oncologists should contribute more for the new NSCLC staging system.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology