美国“9.11”事件引起了全世界极大的震惊 ,也引起国内外消防界、科技界和建筑界专家的认真思考。文章概括了专家们就“如何吸取美国‘9.11’事件的教训”,“如何防范和应对恐怖破坏事件引发的火灾”、“消防人员在抢险救援中 ,应如何进行有效的自我保护 ,尽量减少伤亡”等问题发表的见解 ,并提出了建议和对策。
incident in USA gives a great shock to the whole world.It gives rise to the deep pondering among the experts of fire protection,science and architecture fields domestically and internationally.The paper outlines the suggestions on the questions of 'how to draw a lesson from the '9.11'incident in USA?','how to prevent and control the fire caused by terroristic incident?','how to improve self-protection for the firemen during the rescue?'?Valuable suggestions and countermeasures have been given in the paper.
Fire Science and Technology