针对轴类零件工艺平面布置随机性强的问题 ,提出用矩阵来描述其布置和设计 ,解决了工艺平面布置决策支持系统 (DSS)中信息描述困难这一关键问题。决策过程中 ,输入本企业当前有关数据 ,通过人机协调和动态管理 ,使决策更切合企业实际情况从而避免投资浪费和风险。该系统 (DSS)为制造企业技术改造投资、工艺平面布置设计和决策提供了有力的帮助。
Aiming at the problem about random,complexity of the shaft technological plan layout,this paper points outward that by using matrix to describe its layout and design The key problem has been solved about information description in the technological plan layout Decision Support System (DSS).In the course of decision,it demands to input current data of the enterprise Through man machine correspond and dynamic managing,the decision will be fit for actual circumstances It will not form a fixed model and thus avoids investing risk and wastes.The DSS Provides a new powerful support for the decision of enterprises.
Industrial Engineering Journal