企业战略与企业日常运作脱节的现象经常发生 ,其中重要的原因就是用以进行绩效考核的指标体系 ,不能与企业战略紧密联系。因而 ,设计一个能够反映战略要求的绩效考核指标体系就成了解决问题的关键。本文对生产运作系统的根本目标进行深入反思 ,认为生产运作系统应建立基于“运作系统整体生产率”的考评指标体系 ,并以此为指引 。
One of the primary reasons why corporate strategies frequently digress from daily business operations is the loose connections between the index system used for performance measures and corporate strategies. Therefore, devising a performance-measure index system that reflects strategy requirements becomes a key to solving the problem. Based on a profound reflection on the basic objective of production operations system, the paper argues that this system should develop an assessment index system built on 'overall operations system productivity'. Guided by this argument, the paper probes into the assessment index designing of production/operations system.
Industrial Engineering Journal
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (7980 0 0 2 0 )