根据江苏徐州 -连云港高速公路软土路基工程出现的开裂、滑移现象 ,就该地区的水文工程地质条件、软土分布规律、分布特点、典型路段软土的力学指标进行了深入的分析、探讨。总结得出 :我国沿海地区高速公路软土地基工程地质问题多是因为软土层厚薄分布不均、勘测过程中现场及室内试验提供的设计指标与实际差异过大等综合因素造成。经综合对比我国沿海地区高速公路软土地基地质灾害 ,提出勘测设计指标的确定应以十字板。
To the question of crazing of road bank and slide of roadbed on the Xuzhou Lianyungang soft soil foundation expressway in Jiangsu province, this paper provides a profound analysis on the geological condition of hydrology engineering in the area, soft soil distributing regularity, property of its distribution and mechanic behaviors of soft soil layers on some typical parts of the expressway construction, proposing that the problem might be mainly resulted from inhomogeneous distribution of thick and thin soft soil layers in vertical section and the great differences between designed targets which have brought about geological hazards and soft soil foundation on the coastwise expressway construction. By comprehensively comparing with the geological hazards on soft soil foundation coastwise expressway construction and summing up application of feasible means in prospecting soft soil foundation on expressway construction, it is suggested that target designing of prospecting can be determined according to the cross board and on the spot CPT experiment.
Geology and Mineral Resources of South China