山坡地开发具有潜在的自然危险因子 ,人工开挖也会触动这些因子 ,因此 ,要做好土地管理工作 ,需从分析潜在崩山灾害类型以及开发区位两方面考虑。地形分析在工程、灾害评估等方面广为应用 ,本研究以张石角 (1987)提出的“简确工程地质灾害调查与评估法”为依据 ,以山坡地丙种建地作为评估对象 ,利用地理信息系统所提供的空间分析及数据库功能 ,完成台湾省中、北部地区大范围的山坡地潜在灾害评估工作 。
In this paper, a model is constructed for evaluating the potential geological hazards in areas designated as the class C building classification on the slope land. The development of unstable slope land often concurs with dangerous geological hazards. Various mass movement hazards, such as landslide, slump, creep, and mudflow, may be triggered by indiscriminate development activities on slope land with high hazard potential. Government land management administration often lacks both adequate tools and data to assess the potential hazards which are likely to concur with the development of certain areas. It is critical for the land manager to integrate data from various sources within the government agencies, and to use the geographic information system as an able assistant to obtain speedy and proper evaluation results.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources