阿尔金走滑断裂系不同级次构造控制阿尔金山地区铜、金成矿带、矿田及矿床的分布 ,区域上可以划分为阿尔金北缘金—铜—铁多金属成矿带和阿尔金铁—铜—金多金属成矿带。通过岩石铜、金含量数理统计和4 0 Ar 39Ar热年代学研究结果 ,将其划分为两个主成矿期 ,年龄分别为 50 2 3Ma± 1 0 1Ma和 2 0 7 6Ma± 4 2Ma ;构造应力场和矿化富集过程分为 3期 :前中生代———挤压期 ;中生代———伸展期和新生代———走滑期。
The Cu Au enrichment and mineralization is studied here. It is concluded that the different order structures in Altyn Tagh fault system controlled the spatial distribution of metallogenic belts,ore fields and ore deposits. Regionally,it is divided into north Altyn Tagh gold copper iron multi metal metallogenic zone and Altyn Tagh iron copper gold multi metal metallogenic zone. Two main mineralization periods occurring at 502 3Ma±10 1Ma and 207 6Ma±4 2Ma respectively have been recognized through the analysis of gold and copper abundances and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geothermochronology. The evolution of tectonic stress field,related to the enrichment and mineralization of Cu and Au,is divided into three stages:pre Mesozoic compression,Mesozoic extension and Cenozoic strike slip stages. Areas with relatively low stress are prospected to be benefited for the enrichment and mineralization of Cu and Au.
Journal of Geomechanics
国家攻关 30 5项目阿尔金专题(96 915 0 6 0 1B)
国家地质调查项目 (K1 1 2 3)