散射是粒子重要的辐射特性之一 ,而散射相函数反映的是入射能量经粒子散射后在方向上的分布 ,所以它是反映粒子辐射特性的重要参数。目前已经有很多人用几何光学的方法计算了大粒子的散射相函数 ,但大多数只考虑了镜反射和镜折射的情况 ,而实际粒子的表面是粗糙的 ,本文试图在一些必要的假设前提下 。
Scattering is one of the most important radiation characteristics of particle,and the scattering phase function of particle shows the incident energy distribution after scattering.So it is important parameter to show the property of particle radiation.By now,many people have found some scattering phase functions for big particle in geometric optice methods.In these conditions,only reflection and refraction are calculated.But the actual particle surface is not inerratic. This article try to find and calculate the scattering phase function for coarse particles in electron-magnetic wave theory after some necessary supposing.
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