在智能型电子防滑器控制系统的研究中 ,通过试验数据的仿真研究表明了防滑器模糊神经网络控制模型建立的正确性。在此基础上 ,本文利用车辆盘形制动模拟试验台进行了室内车辆制动防滑模拟试验 ,以进一步验证其所建立的防滑器智能控制模型 ,并考核防滑器模糊神经网络控制模型的滑行判断能力和防滑性能。由试验结果表明在智能型电子防滑器控制系统的研究中 ,所建立的防滑器控制模型具有专家知识和推理能力 ,能够根据加减速度和冲动 (由于试验台的局限 ,本文滑移率控制参数为零 )两个变量正确判断轮对的运行状态 ,特别是冲动变量的引入使得控制模型可以提前检知车轮的运行趋势 ,防止滑移率和减速度的过度增大 ,避免滑行的发生。
Based on the correct model founded in the paper ″Research on the Electronically Controlled Intelligent Antiskid System″, the disc brake test rig is used to further ascertain the control model of antiskid system in this paper so as to assess the capability of estimating the slide of wheel and the performance of antiskid controller. The test shows that the model built has expert knowledge and the ability of reasoning. The state of wheel-set is judged correctly using acceleration deceleration and jerk. (The control parameter is lack of the slip ratio because of the restriction of test rig.) Especially the trend of wheel set can be observed in advance so as to prevent by the excess increase of slip ratio and deceleration from the slippage with the introduction of jerk. The correctness of the model of fuzzy neutral network in part one is further provided. The technology of the fuzzy neutral network that is applied successfully to antiskid system will start a new stage of intelligent antiskid research.
China Railway Science