对非穿通型绝缘栅双极晶体管 (NPT IGBT)的静态工作特性进行了理论分析。从IGBT结构入手 ,把它看作MOSFET驱动的BJT ,从其包含的BJT和MOSFET分别讨论。并且对比了传统BJT模型和IGBT中包含的BJT模型的分析方法 ,详细讨论了用双极传输方程分析BJT模型。在MATLAB的仿真环境中添加相应的模型描述语言S function ,实现静态特性 。
An analytical static-steady model for NPT-IGBT is described in this paper in detail.From its struction,IGBT is a BJT drived by a MOSFET,discussed the contained BJT and MOSFET respectively.Comparing with the traditional model and the contained BJT in IGBT model,so the ambipolar theory is used to analysis the steady-state characteristics,And rewrite the model in the term of model describing language-S function,provided the precondition of dynamic simulation.
Electrotechnical Journal