300MW火电机组中具有过热蒸汽冷却段、蒸汽凝结段以及疏水冷却段的三段式换热器设计,所涉及的知识面较广 且深,许多技术目前仍在探索中。通过中州汽轮机厂对三门峡华阳发电有限责任公司300MW机组1#机4#低压加热器实 际设计改造情况的介绍,谈谈其采取的设计措施。
At present, three - section heat exchanges design, including Superheated steam cooling section, steam condensating section and drains section, is usually adopted on 300MW thermal generator unit. But many design techniques are still being explored because of its widely and profound knowledge scope.This paper, based on the experience to 1# , 4# LP heaters of 'San Men- xia power plant' 300MW unit design improvement, introduces related persons to some improved methods for their reference.
Dongfang Electric Review