研究了镧 -氨基酸络合物对中国对虾 (Penaeus chinensis)胚胎发育和无节幼体生长的影响。实验结果表明 ,对胚胎发育期为单、二细胞的卵子 ,镧 -脯氨酸、镧 -苯丙氨酸的最佳浓度范围分别为(1.5 0~ 4 .0 0 ) mg/ L和 (0 .5 0~ 3.0 0 ) mg/ L ,对卵子的孵化率有明显的促进作用 ,较对照组分别提高 2 1.0 %~ 4 6.0 %及 2 3.0 %~ 4 2 .8% (P<0 .0 5 ) ;对无节幼体的变态也有促进作用 ,镧 -脯氨酸、镧 -苯丙氨酸的最佳浓度范围分别为 (0 .5 0~ 4 .0 0 ) mg/ L和 (0 .5 0~ 3.0 0 ) mg/ L ,变态率较对照组分别提高 16.4 %~ 2 7.5 %及 2 0 .4 %~ 2 6.7% (P<0 .0 5 )。镧 -氨基酸络合物对卵子孵化及无节幼体变态的促进效果好于元素镧 ,镧 -苯丙氨酸又好于镧 -脯氨酸。
Effects of lanthanum amino complexes on embryo development and naupliar growth of Penaeus chinensis were studied. The experimental results show that the optimum concentration of lanthanum proline complex and Lanthanum phenylalanine complex was 1 50~4 00 mg/L and 0 50~3 00 mg/L for egg of monocell and dicell of embryo development stage respectively, the egg hatching rates were raised by 21 0%~46 0% and 23 0%~42 8%( P <0 05)respectively; the optimum concentration of lanthanum proline complex and Lanthanum phenylalanine complex was 0 50~4 00 mg/L and 0 50~3 00 mg/L for the growth of nauplii respectively, the metamorphosis rate from nauplii to protozoea was raised by 16 4%~27 5% and 20 4%~26 7%( P <0 05)respectively. The effects of lanthanum amino complexes on egg hatching and naupliar metamorphosis of Penaeus chinensis were better than those of lanthanum, and those of lanthanum proline complex were better than those of Lanthanum phenylalanine complex.
Marine Fisheries Research
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 39370 5 48)资助