将住院患儿随机分成两组。治疗组 30例给环丙沙星 15 mg/( kg· d) ,分 2次静脉滴注 ,疗程 7d左右。对照组 30例给头孢哌酮 10 0 mg( kg·d) ,分 2次静脉滴注 ,疗程 7d左右。结果治疗组的总有效率高于对照组 ( P<0 .0 5 )。
cases have been divided into two groups at random. The treatment group with 30 cases took iv.gt. with Ciprofloxacin 15mg·kg -1 ,b.i.d. tp pnserve the effects woth 7 days as a course of treatment.The contrast group of 30 cases took iv.gt. with cefoperazone,B.i.d. to observe the effects. The total effective rate of the treatment group is higher than that of the contrast group.(P<0 05) The clinical effects is very pleased of ciprofloxiacin treated the children with acute respiratory infection by renistant pathogenic bacteria.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal