利用彭州市境内市气象站、新兴、白果坪的日平均气温资料 ,进行热量资源分析。结果表明 ,彭州市 7~8月为最热月 ,多年平均温度低于 2 4 9℃ ,12~ 2月为最冷月 ,多年平均温度高于 1 7℃。大多数年全年稳定通过0℃ ,可一年四季进行农业耕作 ,有利于作物越冬和多年生作物的种植 ,生长期长 ,积温丰富。界限温度的初、终日期及持续日数变化较大 ,积温年际变化显著 ,热量资源随海拔高度增加而减少 ,各界限温度的初日推迟 ,终日提前 ,持续日数和积温减少 ,温度强度也降低 ,形成显著的立体农业气候。
The heat resource is analyzed with the data of the daily mean temperature of the meteorological stations in Pengzhou city. The results show that the hottest months are June and July with the mean temperature less than 24.90℃ and the coldest months are between December and February with the mean temperature more than 1.70℃. The farming can be done almost all year round, which benefits the hibernation of the crops and the growth of the perennial crops. With the increase of the altitude the heat resource decreases and the three-dimensional agroclimatic characteristic is strikingly formed.
Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology