本文针对过路涵洞设计对泥石流进行了模拟计算。首先在美国联邦高速公路局现有河流模拟与桥渡冲刷流管模型 (BRI-STARS)的基础上 ,增加了泥石流的模拟计算功能 ,并根据实测泥石流资料对模型进行了验证。然后采用修改后的模型 ,对位于美国科罗拉多州斯奴马西峡谷段的第SH -82号高速公路扩建工程中的泥石流涵洞 ,进行了不同设计方案的泥石流模拟计算 ,给出了可靠的涵洞与渠道水力设计参数。模拟计算结果的分析表明 ,对于输送泥石流的过路涵洞 ,若采用传统的水力学计算方法 ,将会导致设计涵洞尺寸的严重不足。修改后的BRI-STARS模型可以作为过路涵洞设计中泥石流模拟的有效工具 ,可用于同类条件下过路涵洞设计的水力计算。
A study on the design of highway cross\|culverts in a debris flow potential area along the Snowmass Canyon segment of SH-82 is presented. Considering the characteristics of the drainage network and the highway cross\|culverts, the Federal Highway Administration's BRI\|STARS model is enhanced to simulate surface profiles for debris flows. Appropriate sizing of highway cross\|culverts is provided based on the results of the model simulations for various approaches utilizing both clear water and debris flow techniques. It is shown that the traditional clear water modeling results in considerably undersized culverts for debris flows. The modified BRI\|STARS model was verified using field data and was shown to be an effective tool in the design of cross\|culverts for debris flows.
Journal of Sediment Research