下蜀黄土是我国区域性分布的一种特殊性土 ,是在干旱气候条件下由风力堆积而成。单一地采用塑性指数 (Ip)对其进行分类显得过于简单而不能反映其特征。本文综合其活动性指数及粘粒含量进行分类的新方法 ,有利于对下蜀黄土进行评价。同时因其粉粒含量超过 5 0 % ,受“粒度效应”影响 ,不能简单地套用粘性土公式 ,笔者总结了以往下蜀土分布地区采用的粘性土、新黄土公式 ,注意到Ip、PS 与fo、fk 的相关性 ,提出了fo=10 0 βPS+ 4
Xiashu loess is a kind of geographical special earth, which was piled up by wind force in dry weather. Sorting it only by I P appears too simple to show its other features. This article synthesizes its active index and clay content. The new method of sorting helps to evaluate it better. And clay formula can't be used simply because of its 50 percent powder content and “size effect”, the writer sums up the clay and new loess formula used before in the area of Xiashu loess distributed, comes to notice the connection between I p, P S with f o,f k, and puts forward an experience formula: f o=100βP S+40α
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology