1997年底来东营市任职的石军,先市长后市委书记。东营是石书记的家乡,无疑,他对这块土地有着天然的情感,但是,做了东营市“父母官”的他则有更多责任。理性思考之下,他更为家乡的发展倾注了前所未有的心血。初秋时节,记者就东营市在新世纪的发展、黄河三角洲未来的远景专访了石书记。 记:石书记。
On June 24, 1999, when inspecting Donmgying, President Jiang Zemin wrote the following inscriptions: Struggle hard, strive to explore and open up new areas and accelerate the construction and development on the Yellow River Delta.Dongying City abounds in natural resources. Highways, railways, harbor, and the airport under construction provide convenient transport condition for Dongying.Our goal is to develop Dongying into a new economic area with thriving economy and fine environment. In the new century, the Yellow River Delta will become a paradise for living.