借助一个“套利组合模型”对奇异协方差阵下有效证券组合的求解及其有关问题进行了分析论证 ,得出的结论是 ,协方差矩阵奇异时 ,证券市场有可能存在“套利组合”。在此基础上 ,求出了有效市场下有效证券组合的通解 ,亦获得了有效市场下证券收益率的期望值及其方差都与有效证券组合解的唯一性无关的结果。
The solution to efficient set and some problems in the case of singular covariance matrix are discussed by means of an arbitrage model. It is reached that arbitrage may exist in the security market when the covariance is singular. Based on this, the solution to efficient set in efficient market is solved, and it is also obtained that the expected value and variance of the rate of portfolio return are not related to uniqueness of efficient set in the efficient market.
Journal of China Coal Economic College