目的 探讨新生儿脐带血 TSH影响因素 ,为合理解释我国新生儿脐带血 TSH向高值偏移提供依据。方法 在碘营养充足的人群中 ,对 335例孕妇及其新生儿 ,用多元线性回归法分析了分娩过程各因素对新生儿脐带血 TSH的影响。结果 分娩方式 (β=0 .6 41)、产程 (β=0 .136 )、产次 (β=- 0 .70 7)、是否用催产素 (β=0 .42 0 )、Apgar评分 (β=- 0 .12 6 )、是否患妊高征 (β=0 .6 33)以及分娩月份 (β=- 0 .136 )对新生儿脐带血 TSH均有影响。结论 在碘营养充足情况下 ,分娩难易程度、分娩月份等非碘因素对 TSH均有影响 ,建议以新生儿全血 TSH指标评价碘缺乏病时 ,不宜使用脐带血 ,而应采集新生儿出生 4~
Objective To analyze the factors that affect the level of umbilical cord blood TSH and provide basis to the higher cord blood TSH value.Methods Under well iodine nutritional status, we studied 335 pregnant women and their neonates.Results The regression analysis revealed the main non iodine factors affecting umbilical cord blood TSH were parturition style (β=0.641), the second staging of labor(β=0.136)?numbers of labor(β= 0.707)?Oxytocin(β=0.420),Apgars (β= 0.126)?Hypertensive Syndrom of labor (β=0.633) and the temperature of the delivery room(B= 0.136).Conclusions When using TSH as indicator for iodine nutrition assessment ,the blood specimens must be collected by heel prick at 4~7 days.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology