目的 总结使用逆行穿带锁髓内针治疗肱骨干骨折的临床经验以提高肱骨干骨折的治疗水平。 方法 1999年 2月~ 2 0 0 0年 6月使用逆行穿带锁髓内针的方法治疗肱骨干新鲜骨折 32例 ,骨折均为闭合型 ,手术采用从鹰嘴窝上向近端逆行穿针法。 结果 32例 3个月时全部骨性愈合 ,肩肘关节活动恢复 95 %以上。 1例出现术后桡神经麻痹。 结论 逆行穿针避免了对肩袖的干扰 ,髓内针能有效地稳定骨折 ,软组织进一步破坏小 。
Objective To report the experience in retrograde intramedullary nailing of fresh humeral shaft fractures. Method From February 1999 to June 2000, 32 humeral shaft fractures were treated with retrograde intramedullary nailing. All fractures were fresh and closed. The entrance point was on the proximal boarder of the olecranon fossa. Nails were locked distally and proximally. Results All fractures healed within 3 months and showed good function of shoulder and elbow joints. Radial palsy occurred in 1 patient post operatively. Conclusion Retrograde intramedullary nailing of humeral shaft fracture is one of the best treatments. Its advantages include no disturbance to the rotator cuff, stable fixation of the fractures, less soft tissue injury and fast recovery of the functions of near shoulder and elbow joint.
Chinese Journal of Surgery