目的 :介绍和评价经骶尾部入路的肛门直肠手术 ( Kraske手术 )。方法 :对 Kraske手术进行回顾性分析。结果 :全部病例共 2 2例 ,男 12例 ,女 10例。平均年龄 ( 6 2 .3± 13.8)岁。良性病变 8例 ,恶性肿瘤 14例。手术过程顺利 ,切口均一期愈合 ,无肛门禁病例。肿瘤患者随访 1~ 5年 ,无死亡病例。结论 :Kraske手术是处理肛门直肠疾病的一种显露良好、创伤合理。
Objective: To introduce and evaluate the anorectal operation through sacrococygeal route Methods: Retrospective analysis has been used for those cases of Kraske'procedure in our hospital Results: There were 22 cases altogether, 12 were male, and 10 female with age range of 62 3±13 8 years 8 cases with benign disease(adenoma:6, rectal stricture:2), and 14 cases with malignant tumor All cases have no severe complications, such as incision infection, anal incontinence, etc And there was no death in those malignant patients in the follow up Conclution: Kraske procedure is a safe and effective method to deal with anorectal disease
Journal of Coloproctological Surgery