

An Experimental Research on the Dispersion of Particles in Mixing Layer
摘要 本文应用流动显示和 L DA测量 ,对混合层中粒子的扩散问题进行了实验研究 .结果表明 :粒子的扩散强烈地依赖于 St数 ,具有较小 St的粒子的扩散近似地与流体示踪粒子相同 ,随着 St的增大 ,扩散角度增大 ,也就是说粒子扩散加快 ,并且随着粒子惯性的增大 。 The dispersion of particles in a mixing layer is investigated by Laser Dopper Anemometer(LDA) and flow visualization. Experimental data are analyzed. The results indicate that the dispersion of particles strongly depends on the Stokes number. It is found that the particles with smaller Stokes number move along the streamline of eddy structures, and the degree of particle dispersion increases with the increasing of Stokes number, and the influence of particles on the fluctuation of flow field is weakened with the increasing of inertia.
出处 《实验力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期414-421,共8页 Journal of Experimental Mechanics
基金 教育部"跨世纪优秀人才培养计划基金" 教育部"百千万人才培养基金"资助
关键词 混合层 粒子扩散 实验研究 LDA测量 St数 流场脉动 湍流 mixing layer dispersion of particles experimental research measurement of LDA
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