介绍了离心球墨铸铁管生产过程中的计算机控制技术。铸管公司在自行设计的离心机的 PL C系统的设计上积极采用新技术 ,并对铸管生产中存在的一些问题在 SL C程序中采取了一定的改进措施 ,从而提高了球铁管的打压合格率 。
The computer control technology in the productive produce of centrifugal ductile cast iron pipe is introduced Cast Iron Pipe Corporation adopts positively the new technologies in design of its own of PLC system of centrifugal casting pipe unit and takes some measures on the SLC programs Therefore, the qualification rate of the water pressure test of ductile iron pipe can be improved and the economic effect is very notable
Shandong Metallurgy