开放式基金作为一种金融创新产品 ,具备“集合资金、专家理财、自由赎回”特点 ,是一种收益共享、风险共担的集合投资工具。本文从开放式基金与封闭式基金的规模、交易价格、交易方式的区别中分析了开放式基金的优势 ,并把开放式基金与银行存款在投资方向与收益上加以比较。
As an innovative product of finance,open fund possesses the following characteristics:collective fund,expert financing,free redeeming.It is a collective investment tool of sharing income and bearing risk.This article analyzes the advantage of open fund in the differences of the scale of open fund and close fund,trading price and trading mode.At the same time it also compare the open fund with bank savings in the investment direction and income.With the confirmation of China entering WTO and the reinforcement of the trend of financial globalization,although there are still certain risks in ivesting open fund,it is inevitable trend to put great effort in developing the open fund in China.
East China Economic Management