我国铁路货车制造行业在经历了改革开放 2 0多年的调整和发展后有了较大水平的提高 ,但是面对入世后更加激烈的国际市场竞争 ,应清醒地认识到自身的劣势和差距。本文结合我国铁路货车制造企业的实际情况 ,着重分析在新的市场环境中 ,作为微观实体的制造企业所存在的差距及应采取的对策。
However this is large improvement in our manufacturing industry of rolling stock experienced 20 years reform and development,we need realize the inferiority strength of ourselves,facing the more fierce competitions from the international Market after Chinas entry into WTO.As a staff of the trade,I write this article based on the situation of our enterprise,putting emphasis on the tactics in dealing with the new market circumstance.
East China Economic Management