高温高压热模拟装置是用于有机质生、排烃机理研究的专用仪器。由于目前国内外模拟装置不能满足有机质在高温高压下实验需求 ,为此研制了温度达 60 0℃、压力为 4 0MPa的模拟装置。该装置设计了两种规格、两种型式的高压釜 ,使用了动密封和静密封两种密封形式 ,解决了高温高压下釜的密封难题。在国内首次研制出无螺栓快速拆卸式高温高压反应釜。装置采用了中频感应加热技术 ,使样品加热温度更均匀、更精确 (温差 <±5℃ ) ,同时增大了恒温区、缩短了预热时间 ;实现了 10 0t液压机压力调控精度为± 0 .2MPa下恒压长达 10 0h。实验全过程全微机控制与监测 ,产物接收系统实现自动计量 ,消除了人为误差。
This paper describes a newly developed high temperatuer and high pressure thermal modeling unit and hydrocarbon generation and expulsion experiment study for organic matter using the unit. They are as follows: (1) it is developed with modeling temperature of 600℃ and pressure of 40 MPa; (2) resistor heating is improved,and advanced medium induction heating technique is adopted; (3) the sensor and displacement detector are used to realize 100t hydraulic press work with constant pressure; (4) it can control and monitor the whole experiment process automatically; (5) based on geologist requirement,it can simulate hydrocarbon generation and expulsion experiment with realizable parameters.
Petroleum Instruments