目的 明确常见尸食性昆虫成虫的活动习性和产卵习性 ,为法医实践中死后间隔时间的判断提供借鉴 ; 方法 在自然温度、室内恒温及包括夜晚、雨天等 2 6种不同环境条件对丝光绿蝇、大头金蝇、巨尾阿利蝇、棕尾别麻蝇成虫活动与产卵 (产仔 )习性进行了观察 ; 结果 昆虫成虫的活动与产卵习性在不同环境条件下往往不同 ,不同种类之间也存在差异 ,在利用昆虫发生规律为法医实践提供死亡时间等信息时 ,应具体问题具体分析。
objectiveTo clarify the activities and the oviposition behaviors in four necrophagous imagines, and provide a valuable data in determining postmortem interval; Methodes Four imagines of L. sericata, C. megaphala, A. grahami and B. peregrina were collected. Their activities and oviposition were observed under the 26 difference condition, such as natural temperature, constant temperatures, outside night and rainy-day. results The difference features of activities and oviposition behavior in four imagines were observed according with difference condition and species. Conclusion It is stress that, when the activities patters of insect would be provided information to forensic science including time-cours of postmortem, the data to be used in the cases must actually analysis in keeping with the features of insect found at scene.
Journal of Law & Medicine
forensic entomology necrophagous flies ovipostion behavior