为分析母亲孕期被动吸烟与低出生体重的关系 ,采用群体匹配病例对照研究方法 ,对 1 999年 3月 - 2 0 0 0年 4月间在沈阳市妇婴医院等 1 4家医院分娩的非主动吸烟的产妇孕期被动吸烟情况与低出生体重关系进行分析。结果表明 :孕期被动吸烟可能是低出生体重危险因素 ,且孕期被动吸烟的时间与低出生体重发生存在剂量反应关系 (x2 趋势 =3 2 4 2 ;P <0 0 1 )。在控制产妇不良孕产史等因素后 ,被动吸烟孕妇分娩出低出生体重儿的危险性为非被动吸烟孕妇的 3 .1 76倍 (OR95%CI,1 .868- 5.4 0 1 ) ,且被动吸烟与孕妇文化程度对出生体重可能存在协同作用 (协同作用指数为 3 .1 6)。
Objective:The case-control study of category match was used to analysis the relationship between the maternal passive smoking in pregnancies and low birth weight infant (LBW).The results show that:The maternal passive smoking during pregnancies might is a risk factor for the LBW;There was dose-response relationsip between the time of passive smoking and the incidence rate of LBW.After controlling some factors just as bad pregnant history et al.The relative risk of passive smoking for the LBW was 3.176 times than those who had no passive smoking (RR%CI,1.868-5.401).Furthermore,maternal passive smoking and educatiional degree might have synergic effects on the incidence rate of LBW.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity