
血管输入阻抗的拟合方法与初值选取 被引量:2

Fitting Method of Vascular Input Impedance and the Determination of Initial Values
摘要 研究了模拟动脉系统的集中参数模型的数据拟合问题,分析了用修正的Noordergraaf五单元模型计算血管输入阻抗的有关问题,对参数拟合问题中被广泛运用的Newton迭代法与正交试验法作了评述,就其中至关重要的初值选取问题建议了一些简单实用的方法,讨论了参数选取的范围与参考值,并将数值计算结果与实测结果作了比较,所建议方法的有效性得到了证实。 The fitting problem in lumped parameter's model of arterial system was studied, and the related question of computing vascular input impedance using modified Noordergraaf's five element model was analyzed. Newton's iteration method and orthogonal testing method, two widely used methods in parameter fitting problem, were commented. Some simple and feasible methods to determine initial values, a step of paramount importance, were suggested. The range of the parameters and reference values were discussed. Comparison between the numerical calculation and experimental result was made, the effectiveness of the proposed methods was testified.
出处 《力学季刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期497-501,共5页 Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics
关键词 初值选取 模拟动脉系统 数据拟合 NEWTON迭代法 血管输入阻抗 弹性腔 input impedance fitting initial value five element model
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