目的 :比较正常人与神经症患者之间中医素质分布的差异 ,以及各自与现代人格测查的对比关系。方法 :以《内经》“阴阳五态人”为人格分型依据 ,对神经症患者和心理正常者对照研究 ,并做明尼苏达多项个性测查(MMPI)。结果 :神经症患者心理成熟程度较正常人低 ,有显著差异。结论 :神经症患者的人格特征符合现代心理学中易发神经症者的特点 ,符合现代医学中控制力过强需要治疗的理论。
Objective: To distinguish the difference of dividing personality in TCM between healthy cases and neurotic patients, and to study the comparative relationship between every type and modern measurement of personality. Methods: Based on 'Yin-Yang Five-type person', the author first made a comparative observation on neurotic patients with those normal psychological cases next made Minnesota Multi-item Personality Test (MMPT). Results: Psychological maturity degree of neurotic patients is lower than that of healthy person. There is a significant difference. Conclusion: The personality features of neurotic patients coincide with those in modern psychology, which can easily lead to neurotic disorder, and with the modern medical theory that excessive self-control needs medical treatment.
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine