保山地区山多地少 ,宜耕土地相对不足 ;降水丰沛但时空分布地域分布不均 ;林业用地广阔 ,森林资源丰富 ,但地域分布不匀 ;草地分布零星 ,牧草品种丰富但退化严重。以上现状导致土地利用中存在的问题有 :人地矛盾加剧 ;土地生产潜力未得到充分发挥 ;水土流失严重 ,“三废”导致土地污染面积增加。
Baoshan was a mountainous prefecture with relative insufficient arable land. Some physical characteristics including uneven distribution of rainfall and forest resources, scattered distribution grassland and degradation of grass varieties brought about some problems in land use. The existing land use problems in Baoshan prefecture were: acute conflict between people and land, the productive potential of land has not been utilized reasonably, serious soil erosion and water loss, land pollution caused by waste gas, water and residues. Aiming at the problems existed, strategies of sustainable use of land resources in Baoshan prefecture were put forward.
Forest Inventory and Planning