Regardingto the relation of Dao and arts,Zhuangzithought Dao is more than art,stanging for the combinationof the two.The unity of Dao and is t he qui nt es s ence of Zhuangz i ' s t echnol ogy i dea.At the meantime he brought up'All things by meansof the Dao are united and becameone',thus to ach-ieve the goal one must exprtience both distinction and construction.First,'to recognize the distinctio-n by meansof the Dao',in which Zhuangzimeantdistinction and construction are of a same process,but not one out of the other.Distinction can be regarded as construction from another aspect,so it is with the relation of construction and destruction.Zhuangzi's notion and elbaoration on distinction,construc-tion and destruction was a summaryof the idea of ancient Chineseengineering and mechanicaldesign.Se-condly,'to recognize the unlike as the like',in which Zhuangzimeantalthough muchdiverse as species and forms are,the basic primciples are the same if viewed with Dao.Composingdiverse individuals makes up the mixedentity,while disprtsing the entity gets diverse imdividuals,which is just meant to break the discrepancybetweentime and space,and combinedifferent things in different time and space to cre-ate new things.To combinedistinction of imdividualsand construction of the entity organically,which Zhuangzicalled'All things by meansof the Dao are united and becameone',is the basis of his idea on techmology.
Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)