资本市场是金融市场的重要组成部分 ,它与风险投资紧密相关。资本市场为风险投资提供金融支持 ;风险投资又为资本市场提供高质量的上市公司 ,推动资本市场向纵深方向发展。设立创业板市场 ,是完善资本市场 ,促进风险投资业迅速发展的有效途径。
The Capital Market is an important part of the Financial market industry , The capital market is cisely related to the risk invetment,the former provides financial support for the latter ,while the latter provides high-quality listed companies to the former,and help the former develop in depth.Establishing the growth enterprises market (GEM) is an effective way for improving the capital market and boosting the rapid development of risk inrestment industry.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)
重庆三峡学院 2 0 0 0年院级重点课题资助项目