随着我国加入世贸组织和市场的扩大开放 ,企业面临的市场竞争 ,包括新产品开发的竞争 ,将会更为激烈。我国汽车行业应借鉴国外汽车制造业的经验 ,根据国内企业的实际情况 ,提出汽车制造业的新产品开发战略 ,这是我国汽车业当前亟须认真研究解决的一个重要问题。
After China's entry into the WTO,enterprises in our country will face fiercer competitions,incl including ding those of new products development in automobile manufacturing industry,than ever before. We should put forward a strategy on new products development in automobile manufacturing industry on the basis of China's concrete situation,and use experiences of other countries for reference.This is an important problem we have to study and solve properly
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)