
“人道干涉”神话与美国意识形态 被引量:11

Humanitarian Intervention" the Myth and the American Ideology
摘要 近年来“人道于涉”论在西方甚嚣尘上,其实,所谓“人道干涉”并无人道可言,“人道干涉”论只是西方为确立美国霸权下的世界新秩序所做的舆论准备,以此为法理依据的关国新干涉主义对非西方国家的安全和主权造成了极大威胁。美国海外干涉往往具有多重动机,包括国家利益和意识形态,后者除政治意识形态如民主、人权外,还包括民族意识形态即关国的道德优越感和全球使命感。美国意识形态与国家利益和国家实力三者之间的互动关系是理解美国外交政策尤其是美国新干涉主义的关键。 In recent years, the 'humanitarian intervention' makes a great noise. There is no humanity in 'humanitarian intervention' at all. The so-called 'humanitarian intervention' is but a mass media made by the West to whip up opinion for establishing the world new order under the supervision of the American hegemony. Thereby the American Neointerventionists take it the legal base uttering a threat to the security and sovereignty of the non-western countries. The motive of American overseas intervention is frequently multiple, state interests and ideology combined. The American ideology consists of political ideology and national ideology. The national ideology is that which the American interventionists call it the American moral superiority and the global sense of duty. The interaction among the American ideology, the state interests and the state strength determines the American foreign policy, especially the employment of interventionism.
作者 张睿壮
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期109-117,共9页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 人道主义干涉 新干涉主义 美国 国家实力 外交政策 种族清洗 动机 科索沃 意识形态 国家利益 Humanitarian Intervention Neo-Interventionism U.S. Foreign Policy Racial Elimination Kossovo
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  • 1Stephen Stedman, "The New Interventionist", Foreign Affairs, V. 72, No. 1.
  • 2"Clinton Administration Policy on Reforming Multilateral Peace Operations "(PDD 25),Released by the Bureau of International Organizational Affairs, U.S. Department of State, February 22, 1996.
  • 3Tony Blair, "Doctrine of International Community", speech to the Economic Club of Chicago on April 22,1999.
  • 4"Two Print Interviews and Two Audio Interviews with Noam Chomsky", http:∥www. zmag. org/chomsky.
  • 5United Nations University, "Kosovo and The Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention", http:∥www. unu.edu.
  • 6钟述孔.北约制造的人道主义灾难[N].人民日报,2000-04-27(6).
  • 7Noam Chomsky, "The Current Bombings: Behind the Rhetoric", http:∥www. znet. org.
  • 8马克思恩格斯论美国内战[M].北京:人民出版社,1955.
  • 9Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. , "In the National Interest", Worldview, v. 27, December, 1984.
  • 10Kenneth Waltz, "America as a Model for the World?", PS: Political Science & Politics, Dec. 1991.











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