汉字是一种与拼音文字不同的表意文字。它既是一种抽象的符号系统 ,又具有较强的图形特征 ,整体性和形象性突出。汉字学习是一项复杂的活动 ,不仅要分别认记形音义三要素 ,特别是字形本身的结构关系 ,还要建立形音义三者之间的统一联系。汉字的这些特点以及认知汉字的独特方式 ,必然会对儿童的思维产生特殊影响 ,必须有助于儿童整体思维水平以及分析综合能力、形象思维能力和类推能力的提高。
Chinese characters are an ideograph different from the alphabetic writing. It is not only an abstract system of symbols but also possessed of clear graphic traits. Chinese character learning is a complicated process involving memorizing the three points--form, sound and meaning--of a particular Chinese character and unifying them together. These traits of Chinese characters and the unique methods for learning them are sure to have special impact on the thinking of children and on the improvement of children's entire thinking ability, etc.