“文以载道”的传统文学内核、经世致用的近世湖湘文化特质以及救亡图存的时代呼求构筑起“左联”湖南作家的期待视野。期待视野的相通性使这个聚合得并不十分紧密的团体在择取外来文学时呈现出鲜明的群体特征 ,即以俄苏文学为主要的导师和朋友。由于中国新文学具有浓厚的文化属性 ,因而“左联”湖南作家对俄苏文学的偏爱 ,与其说是文学上的认同 ,毋宁说是文化上的认同。而湖湘文化的缺失则造成了他们对外来文学最终缺乏一种兼收并蓄的胸怀。
The inner nucleus of the conventional literature ,writings bearing DAO,the special quality of the modern Huxiang culture ,anything used for the world ,and the appeal of the time for saving the nation from subjugation and trying to survive have constructed the vision of expectancy of the league of the left-wing writers .Because of the identity of their vision of expectancy ,the league which hadn't united closely, have shown the distinctive group characteristic ,regarding Russia and Soviet literature as their main teacher and friend when choosing foreign literature .The preference to Russian and Soviet literature of Hunan writers in the league of the left-wing is cultural rather literary recognition ,according to profound cultural attribute of literature. Therefore ,the shortcoming of Huxiang culture makes the writers short of the mind of taking in everything when facing to foreign literature.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University