:《重庆通史》在指导思想和基本理论上 ,坚持历史发展既有统一性又有多样性的观点 ,注意发掘重庆历史的特殊性 ,摆脱地方史只是中国通史缩微版的窠臼 ;在研究的整体思路上 ,坚持厚今薄古的原则 ,在古代悠久而丰厚的历史积淀上 ,浓墨重彩地论述近代历史 ;在历史内容的选择和发掘上 ,努力改变通史只是政治斗争史的格局 ,注重发掘政治斗争背后的经济、社会与文化原因 ;在历史分期上 ,始终以社会性质作为历史分期的主要标准 ;在体例上 ,采用通史与专题相结合 。
In guidance thought and basic theory, sticking to the unification of historical development oneness and diversity, the authors of General Chongqing History pay attention to discovering the particularity of Chongqing history, and break away from the set pattern that regional history is only the tiny edition of Chinese history. In the whole thought way of study, the authors stick to the principle of stressing modern times and weakening old ages; and under the basis of writing ancient history which is a long, rich and generous accumulation, the authors write emphatically recent modern history. In the choice and excavation of history material, the authors pay attention to the economic, social, and cultural reasons at the back of political battles, strive for changing the pattern which history is only the one of political battles. By the stages of history, the authors stick to the standard of social character all while. In style, the book adopts the method of the combination general history with special topics, and various styles are used simultaneously.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)