中介语化石化研究是目前第二语言习得研究的热点之一 ,但多限于语言结构方面 ,其理论的完整性仍有待探讨。本文在结合相关理论研究的基础上 ,从理论与实际的角度分析中介语化石化现象的分类及产生原因 。
The conventional study on fossilization interlangugae, which is an important component of the second language acquisition research work, tends to focus mainly on the language structure, leaving room for futher studies. From the perspective of the application of the theory into practice, this paper analyzes different types of interlanguage fossilization, traces their respective cause and then proposes some solutions to dealing with diverse phenomena on fossilization in interlanguage in the Chinese context.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)