研究者采用问卷调查法 ,调查大学新生的心理困扰源、排解心理困扰的方式及求询意向 ,结果表明 ,大学新生产生心理困扰的原因主要有自卑感、期望值过高引起的失落心理、生活环境不适应、人际关系不良以及想家等 ;大学新生排解心理困扰的方式主要有与朋友谈心或给朋友写信、自我开导、体育活动、向父母倾诉以及听音乐等 ;在求询意向方面 ,多数被调查新生表示 ,在面临心理困扰时乐于寻求心理咨询机构的帮助 ,他们所喜欢的心理咨询形式主要是面谈型。
The researcher used questionnaire to investigate the source of freshers' psychological trouble, the methods of getting rid of psychological trouble and the mind of asking for help. According to the survey, self abasement, depression in the result of too much expectation, unfriendly interpersonal relationship and being homesick are the main sources of psychological trouble. Talking with friends, writing, self enlightening, taking part in sports, listening to music and pouring to parents are the main methods of getting rid of psychological trouble. Most freshers who were investigated acknowledged that they were willing to turn to psychologist when distracted by psychological trouble and their favorite way of asking for help are conversation, telephone and writing.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)