本文重在阐述巴金在自己两大小说创作高峰时期——“激流时期”和“寒夜时期”文化思考视角的转变 ,展示了“寒夜时期”的巴金对现代社会的物质构成、权力话语意识 ,知识者的人格构成以及生命本体的深刻思考 ,表现了巴金对中国现代文化建构的独特贡献和巴金小说特有的文化超越性 ,同时也从一个侧面探讨了 2
By expatiating on culture thought transformation between 'The Rip Current Phase' and 'The Cold Night Phase' which were the two climactic phases of Ba Jin's novels production. This thesis shows us Ba Jin's deep thoughts about the matter composing of modern society, power speech words, personalities composing of intellectuals and life noumenon on the 'The Cold Night Phase', which represent Ba Jin's unusual contribution to Chinese modern culture up building and unique culture transcending in his novels. It also explores Chinese culture innovation in the 20 Century from other side.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)