Foreign Medical Sciences(Section On Neurology & Neurosurgery)
1Chebib M, Johnston GA. The "ABC" of GABA receptors: a brief review. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 1999, 26(11): 937-940.
2Fukan K, Momiyama T, Ishihara K, et al. Inhibition by γ-aminobutyric acid system activation of epileptic seizures in spontaneously epileptic rats. Jpn J Pharmacol, 1998, 76(4): 387-396.
3Gibbs JWIII, Sombati S, DeLorenzo RJ, et al. Physiological and pharmacological alterations in postsynaptic GABA_A receptor function in a hippocampal culture model of chronic spontaneous seizures. J Neurophysiol, 1997, 77(4): 2139-2152.
4Gibbs JWIII, Shumate MD, Coulter DA. Differential epilepsy-associated alterations in postsynaptic GABAA receptor function in dentate granule and CA1 neurons. J Neurophysiol, 1997, 77(4): 1924-1938.
5Gibbs JWIII, Berkow SG, Morton L, et al. Physiological analysis of Rasmussen's encephalitis: patch clamp recordings of altered inhibitory neurotransmitter function in resected frontal cortical tissue. Epilepsia, 1996, 37(suppl 5): 79(abstract).
6Rossler AS, Launay JM, Venault P, et al. Changes in benzodiazepine binding in a subkindling situation. Epilepsia, 2000, 41(6): 651-654.
7Kapur J. Hippocampal neurons express GABA (A) receptor insensitive to diazepam in hyperexcitable conditions. Epilepsia, 2000, 41(suppl 6): s86-89.
8Lonp F, Wieser HG, Yonekawa Y, et al. Selective alterations in GABAA receptor subtypes in human temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurosci, 2000, 20(14): 5401-5419.
9Schwarzer C, Tsunashima K, Wanzenbock C, et al. GABAA receptor subunits in the rat hippocampus Ⅱ: altered distribution in kainic acid-induced temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurosci, 1997, 80(4): 1001-1017.
10Vick RS, Rafiq A, Coulter DA, et al. GABAAα2 mRNA levels are decreased following epileptogenesis in hippocampal-entorhinal cortical slices. Brain Res, 1996, 721(1): 111-119.
1耿明英,程远,许民辉.神经递质与癫痫的发病机制[J].立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志,2006,19(3):188-192. 被引量:23
2丁成赟,李志梅,王拥军.颞叶癫痫易感基因多态性研究进展[J].国际神经病学神经外科学杂志,2006,33(3):281-284. 被引量:1
3张政,罗勇军,晏宁,晏勇,彭惠民.GABBR1基因G1465A多态与中国汉族青少年肌阵挛癫痫的关系[J].第三军医大学学报,2007,29(15):1488-1490. 被引量:1
4Delorenzo R J, Sun DA, Blair RE, et al. An invitro model of Stroke-ln- duced Epilepsy : Elucidation of The roles of Glutamate and Calcium in The induction and Maintenance of Stroke- Induced [ J ]. Epileptogene- sis Int Rev Neurobiol,2007,81 (3) :59 -84.
5Jabs R, Seifert G, Steinhauser C. Astrocytic function and its alteration a the epileptic brain [J]. Epilepsia,2008,49(12) :3 -12.
6Nelson RM, Green AR, Lambert DG, et al. On the regulation of is- chaemia-induced glutamate efflux from rat cortex by GABA; in vitro studies with GABA,clomethiazole and pentobarbitone[ J]. Br J Phar- maco1,2000,130 ( 5 ) : 1124 - 1130.
7Green AR, Hainsworth AH, Jackson DM. GABA potentiation : a logical pharmacological approach for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke [ J]. Neuropharmacology,2000,39(9 ) : 1483 - 1494.
8Peters HC, Kmmer G, Volz A, et al. Mapping, genomic structure, and polymorphisms of the human GABABR1 receptor gene: evaluation of its involvement in idiopathic generalized epilepsy [ J ]. Neurogenetics, 1998,2( 1 ) :47 -54.
9Gambardella A, Manna I, Labate A. GABA (B) receptor 1 polymor- phism (G1465A) is associated with temporal lobe epilepsy[ J]. Neu- rology,2003, 60(4) :560-563.
10Ren L, Jin L, Zhang B, et al. Lack of GABABR1 gene variation (G1465A) in a Chinese population with temporal lobe epilepsy [J]. Seizure,2005,14(8) :611 -613.
1王利军,王建平,蒋超,王颖颖,吴川杰.GABABR1基因(G1465A)多态性与脑梗死继发癫痫关联研究[J].中风与神经疾病杂志,2012,29(6):527-529. 被引量:2
2王建平,王利军,蒋超,王颖颖,吴川杰.脑梗死继发癫痫与GABABRl基因和PDYN启动子区基因多态性关系研究[J].中华神经医学杂志,2012,11(12):1229-1232. 被引量:2
1陈力超,池万章.老年人急性脑梗死后早期痫性发作66例临床分析[J].中国基层医药,2016,23(4):590-593. 被引量:3
2周艳辉,周峰,余丹,刘春苗,马琳.托吡酯治疗脑梗死后继发癫痫临床效果及认知功能分析[J].解放军医药杂志,2018,30(2):94-97. 被引量:29
3黄薇隗,彭伟,江蓉,徐内卫,邓飞.NRG1基因多态性与颞叶癫痫的关系[J].神经损伤与功能重建,2018,13(10):531-533. 被引量:1
3曹飞.拉莫三嗪替换传统药物治疗癫痫的临床疗效观察[J].求医问药(下半月),2013(9):274-275. 被引量:2
6罗时才.抗癫痫新药——托吡酯[J].中国药学杂志,2000,35(7):496-498. 被引量:1
7Rich.,H Matt.,MD.抗癫痫新药[J].世界医学杂志,1999,3(9):47-54. 被引量:1
9蒋丽君.应用雷米封诱发癫痫发作的护理[J].中国实用护理杂志(中旬版),2006,22(4):8-8. 被引量:2
10李哲,李健,李攀,杨春清,赵磊,杨环玲,李文玲.3种抗癫痫新药对部分性癫痫患者的临床疗效及脑电的影响[J].第三军医大学学报,2012,34(17):1800-1801. 被引量:23