以己二酸 ,二乙烯三胺、环氧氯丙烷、苯酚、甲醛为原料 ,合成了一种新型的毛皮鞣剂。本文主要讨论了该鞣剂的合成方法及合成中各种影响 ,应用试验结果表明 :该鞣剂可以直接用做主鞣剂 ,对毛皮具有一定的保毛性及助染性 ,并且鞣制的毛皮柔软 。
A new tanning agent has been synthesized with adipic acid, diethyene triamine, epichlorohydrin, phenol and formaldehyde as raw merterials. The synthetic method and the affecting factors have been discussed in this paper. The results show that this agent can fill and retan the leather. The product also has the dyeing assistant functions in leather dyeing and fur protection
Leather Chemicals