
中国汽车工业“十五”规划 被引量:1

China's Automobile Industry and the Tenth Five-Year Plan
摘要 我国汽车工业“十五”规划的总量目标是:2005年汽车产量达到320万辆左右,其中轿车产量为110万辆左右,汽车工业增加值占国内生产总值的1%左右,气车产品基本满足国内市场需求,汽车产品出口占销售收入的比例达到8%左右;2005年摩托车产量达到约1300万辆,摩托车出口占其销售收入的比例达到15%~20%。产品结构调整的方向是:轿车占汽车总量的比重增加,载货汽车中重型车和专用车的比重增加;提高柴油载货车、轻型柴油客车的比重,中型车要全部实现柴油化;柴油轿车、柴油微型车生产开始起步,燃气公共汽车、出租汽车的产量将适当增加;到2005年轿车产量占总产量的比重从2000年的29.2%提高到35%以上,柴油车占总产量的比重从2000年的29.7%提高到35%左右,代用燃料车达到总产量的2%以上。技术结构调整目标包括:提高汽车燃油经济性,2005年力争使各种车型的百公里油耗平均降低10%,其中,轿车和轻型车降低50%~10%,中重型汽车降低10%~15%;提高代用燃料汽车所占的比例,优化我国汽车能源需求结构。 The Tenth Five-year Plan lays out a goal for China's auto industry to manufacture 3,200,000 automobiles by 2005, including 1,100,00 cars. The increased output of the auto industry will account for 1% of GDP. Output will meet domestic demand. Automobile exports will reach roughly 8% of all automobile sales revenue. By 2005, the output of motorcycles will reach 13,000,000 units, with exports comprising approximately 15-20% of total sales revenue. Changes in the structure of production will be highlighted by an increase in car production relative to total auto production. The proportion of heavy vehicle and special-purpose vehicles will be increased in the freight-hauling sector. There will be an increase in the production of diesel burning; freight and light vehicles, and a full scale dieselization of medium units. Diesel-driven cars and mini-cars have already begun to be produced. The output of gasoline burning taxis and public transportation vehicles will be increased. The proportion of cars to total output will increase from 29.2% in 2000 to 35% in 2005. The proportion of diesel-driven vehicles will rise from 29.7% in 2000 to 35% in 2005. Alternative fueled vehicles will reach 2% of all output. Adjustments in manufacturing technology will be oriented toward promoting the fuel efficiency. By 2005,in order to reduce total fuel consumption per hundred kilometers by 10%, fuel economy must be increased by 5-10% for cars and light trucks, 10-15% for medium vehicles, and 10-15% for heavy vehicles. By increasing the number of automobile powered by substituted fuels, the structure of demand in the automobile sector will improve.
机构地区 国家经贸委
出处 《国际石油经济》 2001年第10期17-23,56,共8页 International Petroleum Economics
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