研制的高耐蚀彩膜磷化添加剂 ,在铁系磷化液中加入 ( 1 0± 2 ) m L/ L,膜层耐蚀性能提高 1 0~ 2 0倍 ,Cu SO4点滴实验可达 2 0 0 s。介绍了此添加剂的配方、配制、影响效果及对含添加剂的铁系磷化液的性能、应用、优缺点。实验表明 :含添加剂的铁系磷化液具有室温、快速、少渣。
An additive for high corrosion resistant colored phosphating film is developed. Addition of the additive (10±2) mL/L in the ferrous system phosphating solution, corrosion resistance of the phosphating film obtained is increased 10~20 times, and the film can withstand CuSO 4 solution dropping test up to 200 s. Formulation, making up method, effect results of the additive and properties, application, advantages and disadvantages of phosphating solution added the additive are introduced. Experimental results show that ferrous system phosphating solution added the developed additive has the characteristics of room temperature, rapidity, less residue and nontoxicity.
Plating & Finishing