采用一种对Zn 5Al双相合金选择性腐蚀的化学蚀刻剂 ,显示了铸态Zn 5Al共晶合金的准三维微观结构 ,并结合光学显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱分析 ,研究了合金中富Al的α相和富Zn的β相的形貌和相互间的分布关系。结果表明 ,Zn 5Al铸造合金的光学金相组织呈层片状特征 ;扫描电镜观察 ,占合金总量 5 .2 % (质量分数 ,下同 )的富Al的α相是作为富Zn的 β相的包裹层存在于 β相间的界面 ,在蚀刻剂中被蚀刻掉的是 β相 。
The three dimensional microstructure of Zn 5Al eutectic alloy revealed with a special chemical etchant was studied under optical microscope, SEM and with EDS techniques. Investigation results showed that, under optical microscope, Zn 5Al eutectic alloy as cast had a lamellar microstructure. With SEM and EDS, it was determined that α phase occupying 5.2 w % of the whole alloy existed as surrounding layers of β phase. It was the β phase rather than α phase that was etched away during the etching process.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 98710 2 5
5 98710 31)