经济全球化既能为发展中国家的经济发展与技术进步提供机遇 ,使其利用“后发优势”实施赶超战略 ;同时 ,也会加大经济特别是金融方面的风险。发展中国家的对策应是正确认识经济全球化的影响 ,趋利避害 ,在参与经济全球化的发展过程中增强自己的经济实力和国际竞争力 ,加强相互之间的合作 。
Economic globalization can on the one hand provide developing countries with chances for pursuing economic development and technological progress to help themselves make use of 'later-starting advantage' to carry out the strategy of catching up with and surpassing developed countries, but on the other hand, can also increase their risks in economic, especially financial, fields. The countermeasures to be taken by developing countries should be the correct understanding of the influences of economic globalization, seeking benefits and avoiding harm. They should strengthen their own economic power and their capability for making international competition in taking part in the process of economic globalization, intensify their mutual cooperation, and actively promote the establishment of a new international economic order.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)