目的 :探讨正常妇女、孕晚期及妊娠糖尿病妇女的胫骨超声速率、钙代谢及骨转换的变化特点。方法 :正常妇女 30例、孕晚期妇女 6 0例及妊娠糖尿病妇女 31例 ,清晨空腹抽血及留尿 ,测定胫骨超声速率 ,以骨钙素做为骨形成指标 ,测定尿钙及尿脱氧吡啶啉与肌酐的比值做为骨吸收指标 ,同时测定血清总钙、游离钙、总蛋白、磷及镁。结果 :妊娠糖尿病妇女胫骨超声速率降低明显 ;血清总钙、总蛋白、磷及镁均下降 ,尿钙 Cr及尿脱氧吡啶啉 Cr上升明显。结论 :妊娠糖尿病妇女比正常孕晚期妇女骨吸收增加 ,骨形成减少 。
Objective:To explore the calcium metabolism in normal women and some gestational diabetes pregnant women pregnancy women Methods: The women were divided into 3 groups: (1) gestational diabetes ( n =31); (2) Normal third trimester ( n =60); (3)nonpregnant ( n =30) Blood and urine samples were collected at 8:00 a m following an overnight fast in same day tibia SOS was measured by ultrasound scanner BGP were considered evaluted for formation markers, and the urinary calcium and Dpy creatinine ratio evaluated for bone absorption markers Total calcium and free calcium were measured Phosphorus, magnesium and total protein were measured Results: As compared with Normal third trimester nonpregnant tibia SOS in gestational diabetes women declined BGP, total calcium, Phosphorus, magnesium and total proteindecreased The urinary calcium and Dpy creatinine ratio increased Conclusions: AS compared with normal third trimester tibia SOS in gestational diabetes women decreased;bone formation decreased; bone asporption increased
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School